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Empowering Electric Utilities with AI-Enhanced Solutions for Optimal Performance

Advanced Electric Utility Software Solutions for Grid Modernization

Management of electrical power sources is an immense undertaking with many aspects. Our developers at Chetu have extensive experience in AI-based electric utility software programming, from utility network information management to electric mobile app software development, our utility solutions cover everything.

Electric Utility Software Solutions

Electric Software Services

Our developers customize electric utility software for generation, transmission, distribution and retail. We provide Distribution Management Systems (DMS) for network monitoring and operations support. We’ll program an advanced distribution management system (ADMS) that automates outage restoration and optimizes the performance of distribution grids.

Electric Operations Management Software Solutions

Electric Operations Management Solutions

Chetu’s programmers customize automation tools that manage the switching states of the electric distribution network from main supply points down to smart meters. This includes developing integrations with outage management applications for fault locations, isolation, and supply restoration. Additionally, we program features in an outage management system (OMS).

Utilities Network Information Management Software

Utilities Network Information Management

We can develop a network information management system for utilities with interface services. It will be able to connect and combine data from utility Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Customer Information Systems (CIS), Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) and other systems.

Electrical Estimating Software

Electrical Estimating Software

Our developers program electrical estimating software to give the fastest, most accurate results to achieve more bid jobs. We code materials and equipment databases, customizable assemblies and industry-specific quote calculators. In addition, we add dynamic takeoff, symbols recognition/custom symbols creation and more.

Electric Performance Metrics Tools

Electric Performance Metrics Tools analytics

We program custom algorithms to calculate electricity functions. These include load, voltage drops and fault currents, as well as counts, runs and more. In addition, our developers program electrical simulation software that includes features for situational conditions, predictive modeling and automated suggestions for design and function flaws.

Electric Mobile App Software

Electric Mobile App Software

We program custom mobile apps for electricians that include field service tools, document management conversion, calculators and estimators. We develop diagrams, drawing tools, reference guides and other features. We add in tools for booking, push notifications, rating and reviewing service and much more.

Service Oriented Architectures

Service Oriented Architectures

Electric power systems consist of transmission lines, transformers, power plants and support structures. Maintenance is a time-consuming, heavy task. We program event-driven Service Oriented Architectures (SOA 2.0) that enable real-time metering, usage management, automated response controls and transparent billing tools to make the job easier.

Utility Network Design

Utility Network Design

Our developers create interactive design modules to manage electric utilities with a built-in workflow management system. We use GIS tools for the visualization and analyzation of utilities networks and design district energy networks. We design electric distribution networks with primary, secondary and public lighting network layouts.

AI-Powered Electric Utility Software Solutions

We develop custom AI-powered electric utility software solutions, with features such as demand forecasting and predictive maintenance to grid optimization, that will transform how energy professionals manage their operations.

Demand Forecasting and Grid Optimization using AI Algorithms

We develop AI algorithms that analyze historical data like weather patterns, population size, and type of technology to predict future energy demand accurately. Accurately predict energy demand and align the grid optimization accordingly.

AI-Powered Condition Monitoring For Predictive Maintenance

Our AI-powered condition monitoring uses Machine Learning and sensors to detect equipment malfunctions and system failures. Our AI predictive maintenance uses AI predictive analytics to identify issues with grid infrastructure or potential power outages before they occur.

Sustainability and Emissions Reduction with AI

Our AI Data Analytics enable utility professionals to monitor and manage their environmental impact, contributing to sustainability initiatives and regulatory requirements. Employees can monitor the environmental impact of utility operations, allowing them to track progress toward sustainability goals.

AI-Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Our AI-powered network information management connects and combines data from various utility systems, creating a comprehensive network connectivity model to improve operational inefficiencies. It identifies patterns through real-time analytics to optimize network performance.

AI-Powered Electrical Estimating Technology

We develop AI electrical estimating software that provides a centralized repository of reliable project data. It enables contractors to optimize resource allocation, minimize scheduling conflicts, and expedite project completion. AI Data Analytics gain insights into project trends, cost drivers, and potential areas for improvement.

Improved Personalized Customer Engagement with AI

Our AI-powered utility software provides customers personalized energy insights and recommendations to encourage more sustainable energy usage behaviors. Utility customer services ensure that your customers are satisfied with their utility experience.


Chetu’s energy and utilities software development experts ensure compliance with National Electrical Code (NEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Electrical Installation Standards (NEIS) and other regulations.

Our Energy & Utilities Software Development Solutions

FAQs about electric utility software

Electric utility software is a computer program that helps a utilities company monitor electrical infrastructure handle billing and payments, analyze data, and optimize their grid operations.

The top main functions of electric utility software are meter data management (such as meter readings, consumption data and billing information), energy trading and market participation, operations management, risk assessment energy transactions and more.

Recognizing the growing need of energy utilities, electric utility software benefits utility companies by improving efficiency in operational work, revenue management by gaining deeper customer and market insights, and improving process management.

AI can prove to be very effective in many ways to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, such as grid operations, energy efficiency, integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, climate modeling, understanding climate change impacts, smart grid management, smart meter software management, and identifying mitigation strategies.

Electrical operations management contributes to energy efficiency and sustainability through grid modernization, energy conservation programs, renewable energy integration energy data analysis, and more.

Utility Billing Software helps the provider of utility services to manage the entire billing process which is based on automatically collected usage data for water, gas, electricity, wastewater and sanitation.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We’d love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions regarding electric utility software.

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