Let's Talk !
Soarian is an all-inclusive, clinical workflow for healthcare professionals, designed to be deployed across a series of workstations. Soarian Clinical Workflows uses embedded analytics, an intuitive UI, and a comprehensive workflow station.
This blog explores Soarian Clinical Workflows and how the healthcare landscape integrates this software suite into preexisting architecture.
Every day, the care continuum becomes more complex. As a growing number of patients enter the care system, we uncover a wider variety of technological solutions to outfit the evolving data stream. Inevitably, regulations increase in parallel, along with expectations.
These expectations have collectively established a new genre of healthcare and medicine: personalized medicine. Distributing care system data in a productive way requires interconnectivity, a state of unification legacy workflows simply cannot accommodate. We need to nurture connections between disparate systems.
And that's what Soarian does. It builds connections.
Although Siemens brought Soarian Clinical to market, Cerner acquired Soarian Clinical in 2016. This change bled onto the hundreds of customers currently leveraging Soarian Clinical as part of their HIT foundation, an accelerant in the EHR wave that is finally leveling out.
Yes, acquisitions are often disruptive to the ecosystems caught in the middle, but most customers have reported that the conversion progressed without any major roadblocks. Cerner continues to support Soarian Clinical customers as vivaciously Siemens.
In terms of the condensed version, Soarian is an Application Programmer's Interface (API) leveraged to increase patient engagement opportunities. A major issue for the healthcare system has always been interoperability. Imagine the healthcare system as an enormous hotel, where each room houses an independent data management system, and all of the rooms have different keys. This presents obvious challenges for an interchanging network of providers and patients. Ideally, we would want a universal key that facilitates cross-system (or cross-room) access. Soarian opens a variety of clinical systems to free-flowing data exchange, helping users tap into relevant files native to an opposing system.
Soarian leverages embedded workflow, seamlessly connecting clinicians to patient data, but more importantly, fostering collaborative and patient-centric care. Analytics measure performance so providers can connect current data climates with future adaptations. A dynamic design connects it all, allowing organizations to respond to today's clinical demands. It is displayed with contemporary system architecture so more people, in more places, can connect with Soarian.
These connections can help you improve every part of the care process, which means healthier patients and more efficient providers. This level of interoperability encourages clinicians to integrate Soarian API as a means of opening patients up to their own medication lists, ailment records, and current diagnostic results.
Soarian is for those looking to meet the needs of current and emerging care models, required to support accountable care and coordinated care delivery. Suited for a broad scope of settings (EG: rural, community, and large health systems as well as specialty clinics and practices), its intuitive design and ease of use encourages adaption across any organization with the mission of high-quality patient care.
Table of Contents
Soarian® Clinical offers a workflow-driven design that helps organizations manage processes, as well as clinical data from beginning to end, across departments, disciplines, and care settings, improving operational efficiency and quality of care. Chetu clients have deployed hundreds of workflows to help their physicians and other care providers improve care delivery and patient outcomes.
From acute myocardial infarction to infection control management, care processes become more manageable with a solution that helps synchronize activities. A Soarian workflow simultaneously manages numerous handoffs, notifications, and further steps to ensure the right person is performing the right task at the right time.
You can improve outcomes and care delivery by adapting and optimizing your own processes with Soarian®' embedded workflow engine, using parameters that match the unique needs and goals of your organization. Parameters can include clinical roles, care protocols, quality benchmarks, timing of notifications and escalations, etc. It also has the following benefits:
Provides tools to open communication, strengthening coordination and collaboration between disciplines to help you improve quality of care and operational efficiency
Helps synchronize clinical activities, supports greater transparency, accountability, and adherence to best practices, with embedded workflow capability
Includes analytics to help monitor organizational performance, measure progress, and identify opportunities for further improvement
Adaptable system design helps your organization meet specific clinical and business need
Helps you streamline data collection and clinical documentation
Promotes standardized care delivery and adherence to best practices
Supports clinicians critical thinking
Formalize your business processes.
You can be confident all steps have been followed correctly with validity and audit checks as defined by the workflow designer. Staff cannot miss out steps. Perhaps surprisingly, irrelevant work is also controlled and time is not wasted on non-defined jobs
Automate workflows for consistency.
With automation and reproducibility, you can achieve volume insensitivity. As your business transaction volumes grow, you do not need a linear growth in the number of staff.
Free up work hours for staff to focus on what really matters.
Productivity improves as staff can be assigned to more important and meaningful work.
No more paper processing.
No more paper processing.
Instantly track action items.
A customer or staff member can instantly know the status of any work item. The "who, when, and where questions" are answered by the workflow.
Facilitate interoperability.
Interfaces to external databases enable validity checks and external process interactions to be automated and streamlined
Gain business intelligence.
Business efficiency can be more accurately measured: you can easily see how much work was done each day.
Soarian Clinical builds transparency.
The workflow system links to an organization database so you know who does what, increasing transparency and making it easier to identify problem areas.
Secure user data in a digitalized system vulnerable to breach.
Security is assured by predefined user rights, which give access only to those who need it.
Build a comprehensive audit trail.
A proper audit trail shows each work item, what was done, when, and by whom.
IV Alerts Workflow
Purpose: The purpose of the workflow is to provide alerts when IV tubing or IV sites are due to be changed. IV tubing and site alerts will be generated for RNs, nurse managers, and LPNs. Central line alerts will also be generated for Infection Prevention
Start/Stop: A workflow case will start with an "IV Site" Assessment Save event where status=3 (complete). When a patient is Discharged or Admission is otherwise canceled then any alerts are withdrawn and the workflow is stopped
Admission Medication Reconciliation Workflow
Purpose: When a physician signs the Admission Med Rec, an event occurs that triggers a step in the workflow. When this happens, a communications order is placed so that nurse staff knows the Admission Med Rec has been completed. Also, the date/time and physician name are included in the log file.
Start/Stop: A workflow case will start when a patient is admitted to as an inpatient (HL7_A01) or outpatient-in-a-bed (HL7_A10). When the Home Medication list is complete, the alert is automatically deleted also when the workflow case ends, all alerts will be automatically withdrawn.
Other WFs Developed By Chetu:
Urinary Catheter Workflow
New ED Orders Workflow
Functional Screening Auto-Orders Workflow
Stat Orders Workflow
Stroke Education Workflow
DVT Workflow
Respiratory Workflow
Infection Prevention Workflow
Respiratory Therapy Workflow
Daily Physician Flow Sheet (Fluid Balance) Workflow
Telemetry Monitoring Workflow
Pain Assessment Workflow
CPOE Stat Orders Workflow
Admission Assessment Deadline Approaching Workflow
Needle Change Workflow
Auto add a problem to the "problem list" from an order set Workflow
Critical Care I/O Daily Report Workflow
Fall Risk Assessment PT Order to Evaluate and Treat Workflow
Chetu developers understand the common issues, and consistently circumvent the roadblocks. In terms of HIT solutions, Chetu offers custom builds, augmentations, and implementations. For a Soarian implementations, request a consult now.
Chetu will construct a comprehensive project plan to expedite the integration of your Soarian system with whatever system you are currently leveraging. In such a frenetic environment, it is helpful to have a development partner by you side, ushering your outdated architecture through an evolution.
Chetu does not affect the opinion of this article. Any mention of a specific software, company or individual does not constitute an endorsement from either party unless otherwise specified. This blog should not be construed as legal advice.
Founded in 2000, Chetu is a global provider of software development services, solutions and support services. Chetu's specialized technology and industry experts serve startups, SMBs, and Fortune 500 companies with an unparalleled software delivery model suited to the needs of the client. Chetu's one-stop-shop model spans the entire software technology spectrum. Headquartered in Plantation, Florida, Chetu has fourteen locations throughout the U.S. and abroad.
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