Let's Talk!
Tyler Boykin
Event technologies are evolving rapidly to solve the fundamental problems meeting and event planners face. Today, more than ever, event professionals are looking to utilize custom tools to make events more manageable, memorable and engaging.
Perhaps the most popular and widely used tool planners rely on to build engagement and distribute event information is social media. With new social apps seamlessly integrated into their event management software, MICE industry professionals have been able to interact with the public, receive feedback, and create loyal attendees in more ways than ever.
New apps and devices that allow live streaming and crowd streaming via social platforms are currently being used to deliver different perspectives of events to viewers. The first option allows organizers in the exhibition industry to control the broadcast and share a specific message, while the latter allows participants to share their unique experiences live.
Social media and emerging technologies have given MICE planners the capacity to share photos and video in real-time to targeted audiences to broaden their reach and allow participants to grow their brand image. Additionally, they have made it easier for event professionals to measure their ROI plus exposure as well as extend the duration and size of events.
These novel technologies have no doubt reshaped the way organizers plan and conduct meetings and events, and they will continue to evolve alongside the needs of professionals and everyday users alike.
To learn how you can integrate social media to your existing event management platforms, or create custom software to meet your business needs, contact Chetu.
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