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DevOps Consulting Services


Hire Chetu’s DevOps Consulting Services

DevOps is a strategic methodology that aims to synchronize and streamline the efforts of development and operations teams, in order to accelerate the delivery of top-notch software solutions. Our experts offer DevOps consulting services for assessment & planning, pilot framework creation, process implementation, CI/CD Pipeline, optimized cloud infrastructure and more.

Assessment & Planning

Assessment & Planning

Our DevOps consultants create comprehensive DevOps solutions by leveraging powerful planning tools, identifying traceable metrics, and visualizing the roadmap for your startup app by providing rapid application onboarding.

Pilot Framework Creation

Pilot Framework Creation

Leverage and integrate existing tools to create a robust tool stack, ensuring agile software delivery, improved operational performance, and optimized cloud infrastructure.

Process Implementation

Process Implementation

Our DevOps solutions utilize analysis, design, construction, automation, and implementation techniques to accelerate the DevOps implementation process.

CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD Pipeline

Utilize continuous development & integration, continuous QA testing, and continuous deployment methods to effectively bridge the DevOps gap.

Process Automation

Our experts leverage leading DevOps automation tools to automate the entire process pipeline, covering builds, performing quality checks, QA testing, and more.

Security Integration

Security Integration

Perform end-to-end security integration using industry-leading security software, ensuring that your entire DevOps environment is properly safeguarded.

DevOps and Artificial Intelligence

Integrating AI within DevOps enhances functionality and enables efficient and accurate testing, coding, and monitoring of software development. Leveraging Machine Learning augments DevOps by utilizing historical data to identify patterns and anomalies to forecast future outcomes, mitigating system or process failure, and reducing expenses. Automation services reduce repetitive tasks, streamline communication, and optimize software delivery.

Laptop screen displaying list of Devops consulting services by Chetu Developers.

Chetu’s DevOps Services

Our DevOps consultants employ best practices, including process automation, streamlining software development, and infrastructure management to deliver faster and more reliable software deployment.

DevOps Consulting Services
Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Our DevOps strategy merges all coding changes into a central repository, automate builds, and run QA tests to find and address bugs quickly, improve software quality, and reduce validation times.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery

We deploy all code changes to a QA testing environment, automatically building, testing, and preparing a deployment-ready build artifact for production release.



Developers utilize a set of small individual services, each of which runs its own processes and communicates with other services via an HTTP-based API.

DevOps consulting solutions by Chetu Developers.
Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code

Provision and manage the infrastructure using software development and coding techniques, including continuous integration and version control.

Monitoring & Logging

Monitoring & Logging

Measure the infrastructure’s performance by monitoring metrics and logs, capturing, categorizing, and analyzing data generated by the applications.

Communication & Collaboration

Communication & Collaboration

Set strong cultural norms by sharing and facilitating enhanced communication & collaboration, bringing the workflows of development and operations teams together.

DevOps Implementation Consulting

Chetu elevates and enriches DevOps performance with AI integration, creating modernized strategies to launch business innovation. Our consultants leverage cutting-edge, intuitive Machine Learning resources to optimize operations and give your business a new, competitive edge.

Chetu’s DevOps Tools

Chetu utilized strong DevOps practices, harnessing the power of leading DevOps tools & technologies that allow us to automate manual tasks and manage development processes effectively.

Source Code Control

Leverage source code control tools to share open-source projects and enhance collaboration efforts around shared repositories.


DevOps CI/CD & Configuration

DevOps CI/CD pipeline management tools are dedicated to continuous integration and delivery through task automation.


Container Platforms

Utilize container orchestration tools and break large applications and products down into microservices that run on containers.

Red HatRed Hat

Computing & Storage

Implement leading single cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid-cloud computing and storage platforms for added flexibility and agility.

Google CloudGoogle Cloud

Automated Testing

Integrate powerful automated testing tools to improve QA without slowing down phases of development, deployment, or release.


Monitoring, Alerting, & Incident Response

Observability tools ingest your infrastructure and application’s traces, metrics, and events to help inform you of your system’s health status.


Frequently Asked Questions for DevOps Development

A DevOps Developer bridges the gap between development and operations, focusing on automating processes and enhancing collaboration to improve the efficiency of software delivery. Their role includes coding, scripting, and integrating tools for seamless and rapid application deployment.

DevOps consulting is a versatile strategy and can be implemented within any facet of software development, customization, and implementation.

DevOps can automate repetitive tasks and unify processes of information security, network performance, and IT network tasks within one team, ultimately streamlining workflows for efficiency.

Leveraging cloud computing enables automation and reduced software development lifecycles, reducing project expenses. Cloud computing allows DevOps teams to access on-demand resources, enhance efficiency, and promote more efficient workflows.

DevOps can run security and performance monitoring prior to any coding, reducing bottlenecks and ensuring proper quality assurance earlier in the development process.

Several metrics can be used to gauge success, but DevOps benchmarks can include reduced software development time to market, increased efficiency, and unified workflow collaboration for streamlined workflows.


Drop us a line or give us a ring about DevOps Consulting Services. We would love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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